I wish I could say that life is now great, grand, and wonderful (to quote Chris Farley) four months later, but in fact it is not. There are signs of hope, but unfortunately none of the signs have beckoned me forward yet.
I've had a number of job leads come down the pike but they either want to pay me well below what my experience and education is worth or they just plain don't call me back. I keep figuring one of them eventually will work out and I'm trying to hold out for a better job, but unemployment only lasts for so long. I got an extension on it, but that amount still doesn't compare to what I was making previously. I'd settle for "in the neighborhood" salary wise even if that meant a pay cut, but even that is hard to come by right now. The better jobs are being taken by the engineering level administrative types who are overqualified but taking the jobs because they're better than nothing. That leaves me to rummage through the bottom feeder garbage that I'm also overqualified for. Let's hope that the Messiah fixes this economy or you all will be paying me to sit on my ass at home and write blogs at 6 in the morning for the foreseeable future. Before you get upset, just remember that YOU voted for Obama. That is what you get.
Dating has certainly been an adventure thus far, but as with everything else, has not come close to fruition yet. I'm sure my experiences thus far are similar to what most people go through...you don't like the people that like you and the people you do like, don't like you. I've had more of the former, but it really doesn't matter either way until someone feasible comes along. It only takes one, but why the hell is one so hard to find in a sea of millions? I haven't tried all the singles web sites yet, but the ones I have tried so far have not been great, which is saying it kindly. It seemed like I had much better luck the first time I tried online dating (before I got married) and now there are more options, yet "less" to choose from. I think I'm gonna start jeremyssingle.com and see where that goes. At least it will be free :)
I got my Associates last December from SLCC in General Studies (the most useful degree they offer) and went back there one last time to save $ before I'll be at the U in the summer majoring in Mass Communication. I have now officially attended every school in the valley except Westminster (was accepted there) and UVU (considering going there when I lived in Utah County). I've also previously been accepted at Hofstra, Michigan, Snow, and Boise State. Me indecisive? If it wasn't for the 30 in house credit rule at most universities/colleges, I'd try every school in Utah to see if I could get them all. 10 bucks says someone's done it and still got a degree. 10 bucks also says they didn't learn a thing. Any takers?
My one glimmer of hope is that it looks like I'll be able to land my own place with a roommate here pretty soon. It will be affordable and I should be ok until I can get a decent job. My sister and brother in law have been more than gracious in allowing me to stay with them temporarily but I feel like I shouldn't burden them with my overabundance of abnormal bodily functions any longer than necessary. I'm sure they will quarantine my room after I'm gone and pray daily that they weren't all exposed to swine flu. My new roommate (my good friend Jill), on the other hand, won't be quite so lucky.
I've recently discovered the magic of free library cards and have been renting almost every DVD and TV series on DVD I could get my hands on. If you haven't discovered this same magic yet, I highly recommend that you do so. It is worth your time when you consider that it's free, you get them for a week, can check out like 30 at a time, you can take them back to any library, and if a week isn't enough, you can renew for another week with the click of a button on the web. The only downside is trying to track down what you want sometimes, but if you utilize all the libraries and not just the nearest one to you, you should be able to find anything when you want it almost. You can search online to see which library has what and even put holds on what you want, receiving an email or call when your library of choice (or any library) receives it. Unfortunately, due to the fact that these are public copies, some boneheads occasionally use them as coasters or frisbees and they get a little scratched. For the most they're ok though and you can usually forward through the 1 or 2 minutes of scratchiness (is that a word?). And no they're not paying me to "plug" their product. Check it out http://www.slcolibrary.org/. I'm in the process of watching the first couple of seasons of X-Files and Heroes now (yes I'm a dork). Anyone want to come watch with me?