School is going pretty well so far, albeit slow of course. We're now at midterm and have fall break this week. I have two classes, Communication and Relationships, and Family Economics. I love the first class of course since that's pretty much my major. The second one not so much. I won't say that there isn't helpful information and strategies that we learn in that class because there is. But I can't help but wonder how many of these calculations and formulas that we really need to memorize? Not because I don't see their value, but because using a program like MS Money or Quicken would calculate most of that stuff for me, so why would I need to do it manually? The class isn't hard necessarily, just seems tedious and overloading information wise sometimes. There also seems to be a lack of concrete answers, since the answer to every strategy question is "it depends on what u want". Well how the hell do I know what I want? I can't say I'll be sad when this class is over. It seems to be more suited for finance geeks which I definitely am not. After this semester, I will need 35.66 more hours (I went one term at the U before they changed to semesters) to graduate with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Interpersonal Communication. At my current rate, that would take me another two years to fulfill. If I decided to go full time, I could have it done in a year. Decisions, decisions....
Work has been pretty slow and it honestly worries me. I was originally told I'd be contract to hire after 90 days, but my 90 days came and went on September 1st and I've heard literally nothing about what will happen. I haven't heard anything that would lead me to believe that they're getting rid of me either, but there's still a lot of uncertainty there in my mind considering the state of our current economy. I really don't want to look for another job again since I loathe the job hunting process, but the longer I go without hearing anything, the more I wonder if I should start looking again. I like my current job and want to stay since I think the role fits me perfectly, but if there is no commitment there, I'm not sure what other choice I have but to look at other options. Trying to meet my current financial obligations with just unemployment is a prospect that makes me shudder to think about :( I'm really hoping Parsons comes through, but also understand that they have to do what they think is best for the company.
My baby is doing fabulous and I'm really so proud of her (pics to come). She is talking so much now that she can have pseudo conversations with me and i can understand most of what she says. She also remembers things we did such as going to the zoo or getting a toy with Grandma (nana) that we did literally weeks ago. Her aptitude and memory are simply astounding and it's made me wonder if we shouldn't have her in some kind of school right now even though it's still pretty early since she won't turn three until January. We're (and I use that term loosely since my ex does most of it) in the midst of potty training her and it's still a work in progress. These are the times that really test you as a parent :) It's really a full time job to get her in the habit of doing it and since going potty is really low on Sadie's life priority list right now (below playing, exploring, eating, watching shows, hassling the dogs, etc.) it could be a while still. She is still growing like a weed as evidenced by the fact that we've bought her new clothes twice this year already She is going to be a 50's style poodle girl (is that what they're called?) for Halloween this year.
Now playing:
Switchfoot - Something More (Augustine's Confession)via FoxyTunes