She loved most of her gifts as you can see in the pictures, but it was getting her to unwrap them that was the challenge. Most of the time she was wondering off to play under my sister's table or entertaining herself with various present accessories such as bows, ribbons, etc.
Doggies (or "puppies" as she calls them) are also her favorite things. She's holding a baby one in the picture directly above and got a Mommy one to match it from Grandma Jones (Zine!) She knows all of our dogs by name now, Molly ("Mowy"), Sandy ("Nandy"), Milo ("Miyo"), and Maggie ("Maee"). Grandma figured that if we got Sadie "puppies" of her own, that maybe the actual dogs could get some relief from her chasing them :)
Just like her Mom when she was little (and many other children I'm sure), Sadie loves babies. She now has three different ones that she plays with, puts to "sleep" and feeds her "sippy" to. She calls her cousin Brinley, "The baby", even though she's only about six months younger than Sadie :)
I'm grateful that I could be with my baby and my family during the holidays. That's the only real present I need, although the digital camera I got to take pictures of my loves ones was pretty sweet too ;)
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